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Category Archive for 'The Moviegoer'

“REMEMBER TOMORROW, starting point for search: It no longer avails to start with creatures and prove God. Yet it is impossible to rule God out. The only possible starting point: the strange fact of one’s own invincible apathy-that if the proofs were proved and God presented himself, nothing would be changed. Here is the strangest […]

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Moviegoer Passage

“I am hardly ever depressed by a movie and Jane Powell is a very nice looking girl, but the despair of it is enough to leave you gone in the stomach” (part 2, ch 2, pg 74) I chose this passage because it was very interesting to me how Binx’s form of escapism is starting […]

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The Moviegoer Thoughts for 8/31

Okay so I don’t really have any deeper analytical thoughts about the text sorry.  To be honest my main impression so far is that Binx is an interesting individual who makes small talk with a lot of people.  This may be just me, but I felt like we were introduced to a lot of side […]

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The Moviegoer Passage

In “The Moviegoer” by Walker Percy, chapter 9 starts with the passage ” For some time now the impression has been growing upon me that everyone is dead. It happens when I speak to people.  in the middle of a sentence it will come over me: yes, beyond a doubt this is death. There is […]

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“All movies smell of a neighborhood and a season: I saw All Quiet on the Western Front, one of my first, in Arcola, Mississippi, in August of 1941, and the noble deeds were done, not merely fittingly but inevitably, in the thick singing darkness of Delta summer and in the fragrance of cottonseed meal.” This passage in […]

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Chapter 5 Key Quote

“For her too the fabric is dissolving, but for her even the dissolving makes sense. She understands the chaos to come. It seems so plain when I see it through her eyes. My duty in life is simple. I go to medical school. I live a long useful life serving my fellowman. What’s wrong with […]

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This section of The Moviegoer features Binx being awoken by the mailman delivering a letter from Harold Graebner. Binx says, “Harold Graebner probably saved my life in the Orient and for this reason he loves me.” (Page 87) This letter includes a birth announcement for Harold’s baby and a letter asking if Binx would like to be […]

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