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“REMEMBER TOMORROW, starting point for search: It no longer avails to start with creatures and prove God. Yet it is impossible to rule God out. The only possible starting point: the strange fact of one’s own invincible apathy-that if the proofs were proved and God presented himself, nothing would be changed. Here is the strangest fact of all. Abraham saw signs of God and believed. Now the only sign is that all the signs in the world make no difference. Is this God’s ironic revenge? But I am onto him.”

This particular passage is quite important to Binx’s journey and his search. Binx discusses this “search” throughout the entirety of the novel, this search for something more than everydayness. Never before is the thought of God being a part of his journey mentioned until Binx goes and visits his mother and his half-siblings. One of which is wheelchair-bound and believes heavily in God and religion as a whole. Binx takes a liking to this young man and takes what he says to heart. In this passage, Binx is saying that even if God presented himself nothing in his life would be changed but he does understand the other side of the argument that his stepbrother is trying to portray. I think this passage in particular really highlights how Binx in theory is very interested in escaping his everydayness but when presented with the opportunity to do so he would rather stay in his comfortable world than make any real drastic changes. Binx is comfortable with the way he lives his life but it’s not unusual to imagine what his life would be like if he changed things up. At the end of the passage, Binx says he is onto God, assuming that there is some scheme to be investigated. I find Binx to be quite judgemental and think he knows better than those around him including “God”.


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