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Chapter 5 Key Quote

For her too the fabric is dissolving, but for her even the dissolving makes sense. She understands the chaos to come. It seems so plain when I see it through her eyes. My duty in life is simple. I go to medical school. I live a long useful life serving my fellowman. What’s wrong with this? All I have to do is remember it.”

I thought this passage was interesting because Binx finds the fabric of life dissolving but finds meaning in the chaos. He contemplates his own duty in life, which is to go to medical school and serve others. He questions what could be wrong with this simple path and acknowledges that all he needs to do is remember it. I get the impression that Binx is struggling with uncertainty and sees little purpose in his own life.


2 Responses to “Chapter 5 Key Quote”

  1. ahullender says:

    I also think that this quote is interesting, as the last line is about him struggling to remember his identity, while also struggling to understand himself and where he is going in life. I think he is seeking to understand who he is in the chaos of life, but also the monotony of life.

  2. Ellie Smith says:

    Binx’s whole life seems uncertain, we can see that through his “escapism” through movies. This dissolving of the curtain symbolizes that Binx is settling in societal norms, minus the fact the marries his step-cousin, and realizes that his current path of living isn’t going to work in the long run. He is still trying to find himself and this is how I see this quote as him accepting that he has to change his path and serve others as a doctor.

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