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Play vs. the movie

I’m sorry, but I really don’t have anything interesting to say about the difference between the play and the movie.  We talked about the biggest differences in class already.  Overall, the movie was very similar to a play which shocked me for a second because I’m used to page to screen adaptations being rather inaccurate, but then I remembered it’s a play.  A play basically includes a script of the dialogue already so it’s a lot easier to adapt it accurately to screen.  We talked about this but one of the biggest differences from the start is that a movie can actually depict different settings.  Viewers are able to see the street cars and the bowling alley which are only mentioned in the play. I really don’t have much else to say, we really discussed all the big differences in class already.  While these would have been used in a on stage performance as a play, I quite liked actually having the music as well as the train noises, it definitely helped convey the mood of the various scenes. This one is more subjective, but I also feel that seeing it makes Blanche’s dramatics more annoying than they were when we were just reading.  In certain parts it also allowed more sympathy for her, but for the most part it made her seem even more dramatic.

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