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Monthly Archive for August, 2023

My project idea

I really wanted to do something food related, but everywhere I looked I found the star of the city, beignets. With that said, I am making beignets! I will also research beignets and their significance to New Orleans culture. I chose beignets because it is the most famous dish in New Orleans, even being mentioned […]

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Moviegoer Passage

“I am hardly ever depressed by a movie and Jane Powell is a very nice looking girl, but the despair of it is enough to leave you gone in the stomach” (part 2, ch 2, pg 74) I chose this passage because it was very interesting to me how Binx’s form of escapism is starting […]

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The Moviegoer Thoughts for 8/31

Okay so I don’t really have any deeper analytical thoughts about the text sorry.  To be honest my main impression so far is that Binx is an interesting individual who makes small talk with a lot of people.  This may be just me, but I felt like we were introduced to a lot of side […]

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The Moviegoer Passage

In “The Moviegoer” by Walker Percy, chapter 9 starts with the passage ” For some time now the impression has been growing upon me that everyone is dead. It happens when I speak to people.  in the middle of a sentence it will come over me: yes, beyond a doubt this is death. There is […]

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Project Progress #2

I still like my idea to do the important landmarks and monuments in Yorktown for the research section of my project, and for the creative section I was still going to use a map and place my personal landmarks around the area. For the research section, I found some good historical and map websites I […]

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“All movies smell of a neighborhood and a season: I saw All Quiet on the Western Front, one of my first, in Arcola, Mississippi, in August of 1941, and the noble deeds were done, not merely fittingly but inevitably, in the thick singing darkness of Delta summer and in the fragrance of cottonseed meal.” This passage in […]

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Chapter 5 Key Quote

“For her too the fabric is dissolving, but for her even the dissolving makes sense. She understands the chaos to come. It seems so plain when I see it through her eyes. My duty in life is simple. I go to medical school. I live a long useful life serving my fellowman. What’s wrong with […]

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Research Presentation Idea #2

For my final project I will be focusing on the origin of Grand Rapids, MI. I plan to use my research to create a visual art interpretation of the city based solely on what I discover. One thing I have already learned is that Grand Rapids is named after the Grand River and the rapids […]

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Research Project Post #2

For my final project, I will be exploring the rich history and cultural diversity of New Orleans through an illustrative compilation/time capsule of historical recipes. These cookbooks, selected based on their representation of different eras and cultural influences, will serve as my own personal windows into the city’s evolving culinary identity. Although I have never […]

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Research Project #2

For my research product, I will be researching modern Voodoo in New Orleans and how it differs from its origins. I also would want to know how the actual rituals have changed as well. For the creative aspect of my project, I will be making a Voodoo doll.

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The Moviegoer Passage Analysis

“I too once met a girl in Central Park, but it is not much to remember. What I remember is the time John Wayne killed three men with a carbine as he was falling to the dusty street in Stagecoach, and the time the kitten found Orson Welles in the doorway in The Third Man.” […]

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The play and its cinematic adaptation share the same narrative heart, yet they engage distinct artistic approaches that evoke varying emotions and experiences. General editing in the movie facilitates controlled pacing and emphasizes pivotal or dramatic moments, specifically moments in which Blanche reveals her true identity in a way. An example of the cinematography and its […]

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This section of The Moviegoer features Binx being awoken by the mailman delivering a letter from Harold Graebner. Binx says, “Harold Graebner probably saved my life in the Orient and for this reason he loves me.” (Page 87) This letter includes a birth announcement for Harold’s baby and a letter asking if Binx would like to be […]

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Play vs. the movie

I’m sorry, but I really don’t have anything interesting to say about the difference between the play and the movie.  We talked about the biggest differences in class already.  Overall, the movie was very similar to a play which shocked me for a second because I’m used to page to screen adaptations being rather inaccurate, […]

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The Moviegoer

In the first 40 pages of “The Moviegoer” by Walker Percy, the main character, John Bickerson Bolling or Binx, is shown as a man of little emotion, who cares very little for those around him in a emotional way. When he loses his brother, he is told by his (great) aunt to be like a […]

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Final Project Idea #2

I am going to create an online story map featuring all the different supernatural hotspots. I am going to deep dive into all the cemetery lore, voodoo shops and tours, and ghost tours. The story map will include photographs and biographies of all the locations that I find that serve a purpose in the supernatural […]

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Research Project Idea #2

I hope to dive more into my Creole background, specifically where my family originated from and how we made our way to New Orleans. It’s important to discover how and when we became “Creole” because of the rarity of being a white Creole. The creative aspects I hope to include hand-drawn maps with pinpoints on […]

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A Streetcar Named Desire

I noticed quite a few differences between the written version and the movie version of A Streetcar Named Desire. I mostly noticed it in the portrayal of the characters. Stanley seems far more violent in the movie, breaking things more often and seeming to have outbursts every time he drinks rather than the few times […]

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The difference that I noticed in the book versus the movie was the ambiguity of the clear rape in the book versus the movie. In the book we read that after Blanche threatens him with the bottle, he attacks her, and then carries her into the bedroom. In the movie we see that Blanche threatens him […]

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The 1951 film production of A Streetcar Named Desire shifted the focus of the story even further onto Blanche than the original play. Both versions portray Blanche as the protagonist, but the movie made her the star of the show right from the beginning by changing the first scene. In Tennessee Williams’ play, the first […]

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In any adaptation, there are obviously going to be differences from one form to the other. A Streetcar Named Desire is no different. There are many differences, both big and small, but the one that stood out to me was the change in Mitch’s attitude toward Blanche in the end. This could just be the adjustment of […]

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The differences between the play and film version of “A Streetcar Named Desire”, effect the way the reader interprets each. In the beginning of the book, Blanche arrives at her sister’s apartment where Stella and Stanley’s neighbor, Eunice, confirms she is in the right place. In the movie, a sailor directs Blanche to where she […]

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The Movie vs The Book

When watching the movie A Streetcar Named Desire, one must compare the differences between the movie and its original source material. There are only a few major differences between the two, but there are also smaller differences that are quite noticeable to those who read the play in depth. There are tiny differences all throughout […]

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The differences between the play and movie by the same name, “A Streetcar Named Desire”, provide drastic and deep differences in the interpretation of the story, particularly that of the ending. The play has the ending in which Stanley and Stella reconcile, leaving Stanley forgiven and unpunished in his crimes against Stella’s sister, Blanche. In […]

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Research Project Idea #1

I think it would be interesting to create visual art pieces of my hometown, Grand Rapids. I would further research the city, history, and origin and incorporate my research into my piece. I specifically want to focus on the origin of Grand Rapids and how it got its name.

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